Resources for Beginners

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Revision as of 08:15, 23 October 2023 by BACnetEd (talk | contribs)
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I would recommend this (a bit developer-centric, but it is a quick and free way to get 'hands-on') :

Then educate yourself further, and participate (ask questions, here and in the places below)

  • Joint the BACnet Forum and browse, comment ask questions (start a topic)
  • Sign up to the "BACnet List" and learn from comments
  • Review the official BACnet site
  • Keep an eye on HVAC community [1]. Create and save a search for "BACnet"
  • Register for BACnet International, ( start to receive their free eMags (one for general interest, one for beginners (foundations)). Find and read their past issues. There is a lot of interesting detail there.

Good luck, and welcome to the community